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Member of Anglican Church of India, Gafcon - India World Reformed Fellowship - Continuing Evangelical Episcopal Communion (Ceec) - Anglican Worldwide Communion (Synod)

Message from our Arch Bishop

Dear Church in the World,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the blessings of our Lord and Savior. The Council of Reformed Churches of India is a united fellowship of Conservative Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, and independent churches. Our collective mission is to revitalize the Church through the teachings of Christ and His apostles. Our shared commitment is to honour our Faith and follow Christ and His apostles’ path.

I also serve as vice chairman at GAFCON India and on the board of directors at the International Bishop Council with Continued Evangelical Episcopal Churches, in addition to my position as deputy metropolitan at the Anglican Church of India.

I invite churches and pastors who want to join a vibrant, Christ-centred, and continuing Faith practised by the Apostles.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our shared mission. Your past contributions have been invaluable. Let us continue to shine the light of Christ’s Kingdom in the world.

Archbishop Vijay Raju

About Us

The Council of Reformed Churches of India is deeply rooted in the faith, worship, and practices of the Apostles’ doctrine and the Holy tradition of the Ancient church. We hold the Bible in high regard as the inspired and infallible Word of God, bestowed upon us by the Holy Church, which is described as the “pillar and buttress of Truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Our creeds, including the Reformed Westminster Confession, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Nicene Creed, are essential to our beliefs, and we firmly adhere to them.

We maintain that the Holy Church has remained uninterrupted by following the doctrines of the Apostles, the Holy Tradition, and the teachings of the Orthodox Fathers, as preserved in the ancient creeds. 

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The Council of Reformed Churches of India

We adhere to the Thirty-Nine Articles and Westminster Confession of Faith. This interpretation of the faith aligns with the beliefs of other Reformed churches in Europe during the time of the Reformation. For instance, there is a lecture series discussing what became known as The Five Solas of the Reformation from a solely Anglican viewpoint, in complete harmony with the 39 Articles.
Scripture Alone
By Faith Alone

By Grace Alone

Through Christ Alone

To the Glory of God Alone

The CRCI does these things because they are consistent with the law of God and the grace which God has shown to his chosen people. By means of this grace, Reformed people understand and repent of their sin, love the Word of God, preach the Gospel to the lost, feed the poor, pray in faith for those who suffer, and confidently wait for the consummation of this world in the Lord ’s return for judgment.
Join the Global Church Community Today!

How Can We Join ?

How can I join in CRCI

"Join the Global Church Community Today!"

Join us and become a member of the CRCI to access a wide range of benefits and opportunities.

To become a member of CRCI, applicants are required to submit an application to the Synod Office along with an application fee and all necessary documents. Upon receipt of the application, the Diocese Bishop and Presbytery will conduct a personal interview. If the application is accepted, the applicant will be enrolled in 14 training courses with CRCI. Successful completion of the training is a prerequisite for ordination into CRCI. Prior to ordination, an inquiry team will assess the applicant's church and family life. The local Presbytery and Diocese Bishop's recommendation is necessary for the ordination ceremony to take place.

What are the Cources ?

Before joining CRCI as a member, applicants are required to complete a series of engaging courses, which usually takes 8-12 months to study.

  • Bible Survey
  • Biblical Theology
  • Biblical Interpretation
  • Biblical Preaching
  • Doctrine of God
  • Doctrine of Christ
  • Doctrine of Holy
  • Spirit
  • Doctrine of Grace
  • Worship and
  • Sacraments
  • Church History
  • Church Planting
  • Evangelism
  • Pauline Letter 
  • Romans

After training ends, what comes next?

After completing your training, a special inquiry team, including the Synod Bishop, Diocese Bishop, and Presbytery members, will personally visit your churches to witness and support your ministry and family. They may ask about your life and character, as we are committed to upholding the values outlined in 1 Timothy 3.

Why consider joining CRCI?

Joining CRCI opens the door to a worldwide community of churches, with the chance to connect with like-minded individuals around the globe. As a member, you'll have the exciting opportunity to represent your church and have a voice in decision-making at the annual Presbytery and General Assembly meetings.

If your church needs assistance with construction, CRCI can provide financial support. Not to mention, CRCI is a recognized church under the Constitution and the Christian Marriage Acts of 1872, giving it the legal status as a recognized Church.

For churches facing financial struggles in supporting their pastors, CRCI is there to offer assistance.

Being a part of CRCI also means eligible pastors receive insurance coverage and a pension plan after 68 years.

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