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The Council of Reformed Churches of India

Reformed Anglican subscribes to the Thirty -Nine Articles and is committed to understanding them as originally intended in 1553. This understanding of the faith is essentially the same as believed by other Reformed churches throughout Europe at that time. For example, here is a lecture series on what came to be known as The Five Solas of the Reformation; here taught from a strictly Anglican perspective in full agreement with the 39 Articles.

Scripture Alone
By Faith Alone

By Grace Alone

Through Christ Alone

To the Glory of God Alone

The CRCI does these things because they are consistent with the law of God and the grace which God has shown to his chosen people. By means of this grace, Reformed people understand and repent of their sin, love the Word of God, preach the Gospel to the lost, feed the poor, pray in faith for those who suffer, and confidently wait for the consummation of this world in the Lord ’s return for judgment.

Faith Statement

We subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles and Westminster Confession of Faith. This understanding of the faith is essentially the same as what was believed by other Reformed churches throughout Europe at the time of Reformation. For example, here is a lecture series on what came to be known as The Five Solas of the Reformation; here, it is taught from a strictly Anglican perspective in complete agreement with the 39 Articles.
Scripture Alone

To the Glory of God Alone

By Grace Alone

By Faith Alone

Through Christ Alone

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